Bordtennis / Arrangementer / NETU / Nyhet / North European Table Tennis Union (NETU)
Foto: NBTF.
Foto: NBTF.

North European Table Tennis Union (NETU)

The North European Table Tennis Union (NETU) is composed of the following 10 national associations:
Bordtennis Danmark, Eesti Lauatenniseliit, Bordtennissamband Færøya, Bordtennissambands Islands, Grønlands Bord-Tennis Union, Lietuvos Stalo Teniso, Latvijas Golda Tenisa Federácija, Norges Bordtennisforbund, Svenska Bordtennisforbundet, Suomen Pöytätennisliitto
The main objectives of NETU is the NETU Championships, and to be a forum for discussions and collaboration between the member nations.
President for the periode 2025-2028 is Christian IBENFELDT (Norway TTA). 
Norway will be the secretariat for NETU in the same period.
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